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10 ways to end your novel

During these times of home-bound living, it is an opportune moment to revisit those hobbies and activities long neglected due to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. With work, traffic, parenting responsibilities, and running a business, making time for our passions can be challenging. Writing could be one of those hobbies on hold. In that case, this is the perfect time to complete that novel that has been in the works for almost two years. To help achieve this goal, we have compiled some valuable tips for creating a memorable ending to your story.

The first approach is the circular ending, where the narrative comes full circle and returns to the beginning. This type of ending allows for the introduction of irony and satire, encouraging readers to compare the before and after and recognise the disproportion between reality and what we wish were true. The contrast creates a bittersweet ending that lingers in readers’ minds.

Another effective method is the surprise ending, which takes readers to an unexpected place. When executed correctly, this ending can remain etched in readers’ memories for years. It may alter the audience’s perception of preceding events or introduce new conflicts that put the story in a different context. Achieving a surprise ending requires subtle misdirection.

The reflection allows the character to reflect on their achievements, experiences, and challenges, providing an opportunity for deeper thinking and feeling about the story’s events. This type of ending enables characters to explore their emotions and can lead to surprising insights. The artful use of the “show, don’t tell”, is where a vivid and detailed scene brings the story to a satisfying close.

A moral ending showcases the protagonist’s journey of personal growth, imparting valuable life lessons to the reader. A moral conclusion can be challenging, requiring a thorough understanding of the characters’ motivations and transformations throughout the narrative.

The power of an emotionally charged ending lies in its ability to evoke strong feelings from readers, be it joy or sorrow. Understanding why emotional engagement is vital for the story and ensuring an ending crafted with care is crucial.

The cliffhanger ending, commonly seen in series novels, leaves the reader in suspense and eager for more as unresolved questions linger. The sudden and enigmatic conclusion prompts readers to anticipate what happens next, propelling them to continue reading.

An ending that poses a question sparks curiosity in the reader’s mind, encouraging them to ponder the possible outcomes of the story’s events. A practical question requires experimentation and a deep understanding of the story’s themes, ensuring the conclusion leaves a lasting impression.

A dialogue ending offers a unique perspective, allowing characters to have the final say in the story’s conclusion. In addition, the dialogue ending fosters a strong connection between the reader and the characters, making the decision feel more personal and authentic.

Lastly, the humor ending leaves readers with a sense of amusement or an inside joke. Crafting a humorous ending requires you to consider your sense of humor and how to use it to produce a memorable ending.