Closeup shot a group of practitioners joining puzzle pieces together
Photo credit: LumiNola/iStock/GettyImages

4th Annual General Assembly Meeting

On Wednesday, 19 September 2018, two of our staff attended the 4th Annual General Assembly meeting of the United Nations Global Compact Network Kenya held at the Southern Sun Mayfair Hotel, in Nairobi.

The meeting aimed at bringing together 143 UN Global Compact signatories in Kenya drawn from the Business and Non-Business sectors to foster greater involvement in, and ownership of, the initiative by Global Compact signatories.

Among the agendas discussed were an overview of the UN Global Compact and the Kenya Network, the 2017 Kenya Network Activity and Financial report; the 2018 important updates; and, the Governance report. More to the presentation was a member consultation and plenary session that allowed deliberations on the expectations of participants and recommendations for the year 2019.

From the plenary session, there was cognisance that no single organisation could manage to do it all in tackling issues that affect businesses in Kenya, from corruption, economic strains, capacity, etcetera. On the contrary, there was a need for the various organisations in the same clusters to complement each other efforts in upholding the principles of the UNGC while still operating sustainably.

There was consensus that the UNGC should provide a level platform where signatories and participants can upload relevant policies, business practices, localised information, case studies, milestones, and networking opportunities.