Swahili translation of the BlueBiz Entrepreneurship Training Guide
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The BlueBiz programme, led by TechnoServe in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, tackles the critical barriers young women and men face in establishing microenterprises within Kenya’s Blue Economy. Leveraging its experience and lessons learnt from previous youth enterprise initiatives, TechnoServe, through BlueBiz, targets 15,000 youth entrepreneurs in Kenya’s coastal counties to promote the growth of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as a means to alleviate poverty. The programme emphasises skills development, financial access, market linkages, and leadership enhancement for participants. By partnering with local organisations and stakeholders, TechnoServe aims to use the BlueBiz programme to foster sustainable economic opportunities and strengthen youth resilience in the targeted marginalised areas.
Our brief
Translation from English to Swahili
Graphic design of the English and Swahili versions of the Participants Workbook
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Year of publication: 2024