Ghanaian artist Awanle Ayiboro Hawa Ali, 26, poses for a photograph at her studio in Accra, Ghana. She has made forced child marriage her fight. Her little girls painted in shades of blue tell her story and that of many women who were forced into marriage when they were children. By reclaiming their stories, she intends to give them back this stolen childhood, a work influenced by her own history and  dedicated to all women who live in conservative societies. 
Photo credit: Nipah Dennis/AFP via Getty Images

World Youth Skills Day

Young people around the world are taking charge of their own growth and community involvement, thanks to the internet and easy access to information worldwide. They continue to show strong determination and strength in shaping their futures and the direction of society. However, factors such as lack of education, unemployment and underemployment, social and political instability and discrimination, among others, stand in the way of the youth and a better future. Nevertheless, it is possible for families, governments, and the world, together with young people, to harness their enthusiasm and energy for a better life for themselves.

Despite advancements in technology that have globalised education, many young people still lack sufficient access to quality education and skills training, limiting their career advancement and personal development opportunities. This situation persists because while technology has expanded access to education globally, disparities in infrastructure, resources, and socio-economic factors still prevent many young people from receiving adequate quality education and skills training. These disparities create barriers that limit their career advancement and personal growth opportunities, perpetuating inequalities in education and employment outcomes. This lack of adequate education and training means young people cannot effectively equip themselves with the skills needed to compete in the job market. Consequently, many young people lack the skills or experience employers require, leading to challenges in finding suitable employment.

You should note that social, political and economic factors such as discrimination, nepotism, ineffective labour policies and political instability also affect the youth today. Although economic fluctuations have reduced job opportunities, especially for entry-level positions that many youths seek, labour policies have shifted, and not in their favour. Structural issues within the labour market, such as rigid hiring practices or a lack of job creation, have contributed to high youth unemployment rates.

Harnessing the enthusiasm and energy of the youth for a better society
Every society, at some point, grapples with how to harness the resilience and energy demonstrated by its youth. This is because youth energy and resilience represent a potent force for societal progress and development. Societies will always recognise the potential of young people to drive innovation, contribute fresh perspectives, and lead positive change. However, effectively harnessing this energy requires creating opportunities for youth to participate meaningfully in shaping their communities and addressing challenges, ensuring their voices are heard and their talents are utilised for collective advancement.

Young people often bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that solve societal challenges and drive creativity and entrepreneurship in a country. The goal is to leverage their proficiency in technology and digital platforms to enhance community education and access to information while actively engaging them in advocating for social justice, human rights, and environmental sustainability through activism and advocacy. Additionally, encouraging their participation in politics and governance promotes democratic values and ensures the representation of diverse perspectives.

As we commemorate World Youth Skills Day, rather than dwelling on the numerous social, political, and economic barriers hindering youth, let us nurture their aspirations to make a tangible impact on society. It is critical to provide opportunities for young people to contribute meaningfully to their communities through volunteerism, activism, or entrepreneurship.