ABN Newsletter New Scramble for Africa

Select pages of the publication


The African Biodiversity Network offers a unique African approach to sustainability and community resilience, rooted in traditional practices through its core programme areas. The premise is that cultural and ecological diversity are intricately bound together and that only through restoring people’s strong and deep sense of connectedness to nature and all that lies within it will people in Africa find ways to be resilient and sustain healthy ecosystems.

Our brief

We were commissioned us to design and publish an electronic newsletter highlighting various issues on biodiversity to raise awareness on this important issue.

Our work entailed editing all the articles and laying them out in an engaging manner. In addition, we contributed articles on traditional community resilience and sustainability.

Design a newsletter template that would be used for this maiden edition and subsequent editions. The final document was shared as a print ready PDF.

Year of publication: 2015

SDGs related to the publication

SDG1: No poverty
SDG2: Zero hunger
SDG4: Quality education
SDG8: Decent work and economic growth
SDG12: Responsible consumption and production
SDG13: Climate action
SDG15: Life on land