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Effective communication

Effective communication is an essential aspect of any organisation that seeks to optimise its productivity. However, the consequences of poor communication can be severe, ranging from financial losses, missed business opportunities, and employee disengagement to subpar customer service. Consider, for instance, a scenario where you are charged KES 10,000 for a job worth KES 100 due to a minor figure error. While this may be an extreme case, it illustrates the significance of clear and accurate communication in avoiding costly mistakes and maintaining trust with your suppliers.

One of the critical factors in effective communication is the choice of the channel conveying the information. Although we live in a digital era where social media platforms and messaging apps have made communication more accessible and convenient, it is crucial to choose the appropriate channel. For instance, while Twitter and Facebook may be suitable for promoting products and services, using WhatsApp to communicate important information to your boss or employees may be perceived as unprofessional.

Instead, utilising traditional communication channels such as letters, emails, and faxes can convey a sense of professionalism and authenticity. For example, using a customised business email address like instead of a generic one like can reinforce your brand’s credibility and reliability. By following these three tips on effective communication, your organisation can enhance its productivity and avoid costly errors.

In today’s professional landscape, it’s important to consider whether we are willing to form relationships or engage in business dealings with individuals who display curt, rude, or condescending behaviour. Unfortunately, this behaviour often occurs in workplaces where an organisation’s values are not effectively communicated throughout all hierarchy levels.

Employees must maintain a respectful and helpful demeanour when interacting with them because of the importance of cultivating positive customer relationships. Failing to do so can have serious consequences, potentially resulting in losing valuable accounts that took months to secure.

Clear communication is essential to prevent wasted time and resources. Clear communication includes outlining what needs doing, who is responsible for it, how it should be done, the completion date, and why it’s important. In cases where there is ambiguity, it’s imperative to seek clarification.

Organisations can create work completion workflow charts at various levels to facilitate clear communication and prevent misunderstandings. Additionally, providing employees with job manuals outlining their roles’ standards can also be helpful.