Mau Mau in Meru
The Untold Story
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This book focuses on the Mau Mau of Kenya’s role during the colonial period. The Kikuyu community is widely seen as the originator of African Nationalism. However, this text focuses on the Meru community and their role in the Mau Mau movement, giving the first comprehensive picture of the Mau Mau through the eyes of the Meru.
This book is written by JST Kamunchuluh and it analyses the actual cause, nature and achievements of the Mau Mau, closing a gap in history and dispelling European myths of Africa. Kamunchuluh grew up in Meru County during the uprising. He witnessed first-hand the conditions that brought about the uprising, watched the emergence of the Meru Mau Mau generals, and the origins, growth and nature of the Mau Mau.
In this book, he explains the journey from passive insurrection, the Mau Mau war, and the Mau Mau revival and completes the story with an authoritative account of the relationship between the Meru Mau Mau, the Kenyatta Government and the wider public, culminating in the Meru Battle of January 26, 1965. This text is essential for all students and scholars of the history of colonial Africa and the British Empire.
Our brief
Substantive editing
Proof reading
Photography curation
Collecting photos and maps from the Kenya National Archives
Graphic design
Desktop publishing
Printed copies
Year of publication: 2020