Mumbi Gichuhi

Managing Director & Managing Editor

Mumbi Gichuhi is a seasoned publisher with over 15 years’ experience. Her mission is to use the written word to influence and to advance positive social impact.

She has led, and worked with diverse editorial and project management teams across the world. She has overseen several multi-lingual publications that have been consumed across over several African countries, and further afield, Europe and the United States.

Such publications have included industry reports, newsletters, documentaries, and books in diverse disciplines, including, tourism, economics, energy and gender equality and environment.

What gives her most satisfaction is that through these reports, she sees one aspect or other of the deep impact of SDGs, to which she is deeply committed. This is because she believes that publishing is one of the fundamental ways through which organisations, institutions and companies can communicate their contribution towards this. She is a big believer in the power of partnerships and collaborations because she is persuaded that success is a collective endeavour for the greater good of a purpose bigger than ourselves.

In addition to this, she has been a guest speaker and panelist on various forums, particularly those pertinent to women in leadership, as this is an area that is close to her heart. She enjoys a good book, music, travel and the arts.