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The building blocks of publishing

In our professional lives, we have all undertaken a project, be it a school essay, a report, a business plan, a charitable visit, a published book or a constructed house. As we know, these endeavours can be a source of great joy or an onerous burden. Therefore, here are a few key pointers to ensure future project success with minimal hassle.

Forethought involves visualising the project’s ultimate objective, in other words, the bigger picture. For instance, the larger goal of publishing a book might involve the author signing copies for their devoted readers or seeing the book in all major bookstores within their region. In today’s digital age, the larger objective could be obtaining a bestseller position on Amazon’s Kindle. By clearly envisioning the bigger picture, we can muster the determination necessary to tackle the project’s challenging and mundane aspects.

Once the bigger picture is focused, adequate preparation for executing the project is crucial. For example, if the project involves publishing a book, the execution stage encompasses drafting, rewriting, editing, designing, printing, and distributing the printed book. The tools required may include notebooks, pens, a computer, a printer, a quiet atmosphere suitable for writing, and ample writing time.

The term changamkia, derived from Swahili, means more than just liveliness. Street lingo signifies energy, determination, and an unwavering focus on achieving goals at all costs. This word finds its best use in the construction industry, particularly on koroga days when the floors are being constructed by mixing and pouring concrete tirelessly day and night. Similarly, when working on your projects, especially when self-imposed deadlines loom, you must take inspiration from changamkia and stay committed.

However, it is essential to set an end date for your project. A deadline helps you stay focused and overcome distractions, leading to more decisive actions towards project completion. Furthermore, a project that drags on for too long can breed dissatisfaction and hinder progress. Thus, setting an end date is crucial to cut through the clutter and ensure the timely delivery of your project.